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Pakistan-Italy Collaborate to Boost Olive Cultivation in Pakistan


On the occasion of World Olive Tree Day, Islamabad is hosting the Pak Olive National Gala, providing a platform to explore Olive Sector Development in Pakistan. The event is organized by the projects “Promotion of Olive Cultivation on commercial scale in Pakistan Phase-II” and “OliveCulture-Holistic and Multi-professional Mechanism for a Pakistani Olive Oil Value Chain,” funded by Italy.

The PakOlive Brand is launched during the event, aiming to encourage consumers to buy certified quality olive oil produced in Pakistan. The event brings together various stakeholders like olive sector developers, consumers, businesses, entrepreneurs, service providers, support institutions, investors, farmers, youth, rural women, and the foreign community.

Dr. Kausar Abdullah Malik, Federal Minister of National Food Security & Research, attended as the chief guest, expressing the commitment of Pakistani communities to promote olive production. He emphasized the need for supportive policies for rural development in the olive sector.

Mr. Marco Marchetti, International Project Coordinator, OliveCulture Project, highlighted Italian involvement in enhancing the olive value chain in Pakistan. The goal is to build a national mechanism for a Pakistani Olive Oil Value Chain tailored to each Province’s requirements.

Dr. Muhammad Tariq, National Project Director, emphasized a holistic and multi-professional approach for a Pakistani Olive Value Chain, sharing the untapped potential of olive cultivation in Pakistan. Pakistan is identified as a favorable country for olive cultivation and aims to become a member of the International Olive Council soon.

The 2-day event includes an olive oil organoleptic competition, awarding top progressive olive farmers, scientists for field performance, packaging, bottling, and quality olive oil. The event concludes with a World Olive Tree Day Walk.

Hamza Akram