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Chitral Gets Season First Snowfall Transforming Landscapes into Winter Wonderlands


Chitral witnessed its inaugural snowfall of the season, transforming the scenic landscapes of Garam Chashma and Upper Kalash into captivating winter wonderlands.

The Lower Chitral district experienced a substantial downpour, bringing a refreshing chill to the entire region.

Simultaneously, Shandur, Laspur, and Kot in Upper Chitral were also blanketed in snow, beginning overnight and continuing throughout the day.

Anticipation is high as the meteorological department forecasts additional snowfall starting December 1.

Local communities, especially the farming sector, are rejoicing in the snowfall, with residents donning winter attire and lighting coal stoves to combat the increasing cold.

The combined effect of snowfall and torrential rains raises hopes for favorable conditions for the wheat crop in both Lower and Upper Chitral districts.

In Neelam Valley, ongoing rain and snowfall have temporarily halted, providing relief to the region.

Tourist spots such as Jagran Valley, Udang Keel, Shontar Valley, and Taubat are now adorned with a pristine layer of snow, creating picturesque landscapes.

The Neelam Valley mountains, covered in two days of continuous snowfall, offer a breathtaking sight, enhancing the region’s natural allure.

However, the drop in temperature is intensifying the cold in Neelam Valley and upper regions.

Efforts are underway to restore connectivity, with the Neelam road connecting roads being diligently restored, according to Naib Mahmud Shahrat Engineer Asif Asadullah.

The enchanting scenes and seasonal transformations not only captivate residents but are also expected to attract nature enthusiasts and tourists eager to experience the winter charm of these northern Pakistani valleys.

Navera Tahir